
SAP Lumira

Clariba to host webinar on data discovery, self-service BI and SAP Lumira in Spain

SAP Lumira: Convierta grandes volúmenes de datos en información manejable

¿Qué es Data Discovery? ¿ Qué es el self-service de BI ? ¿Qué es SAP Lumira? 

Descubra con nosotros los beneficios que proporciona esta útil y dinámica solución de negocio en la próxima conferencia web de Clariba en 30 de Septiembre. 

First Impressions on SAP Lumira Cloud: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

In 2012 SAP introduced a new product to their Analytics Solutions portfolio that was formerly known as Visual Intelligence, then recently rebranded as SAP Lumira. It is intended to allow business users to acquire, manipulate, analyze and visualize data from corporate and personal data sources to discover and share insights. It started as a desktop-based client only, but now there is a Cloud version; both could work independently but to exploit the maximum potential, if you can afford it, it is best to work with both of them.As all products that are still in early stages, I found lots of things that in my opinion are still missing, things to be improved and other things that show a lot of potential from the very beginning. Which is why in this article I will cover three categories about: the good, the bad and the ugly.